About me…

Simply me.

A raw and unedited truth in my journey through motherhood.

I decided to start this blog for two reasons…
1) Therapy for me – unburdening my thoughts and feelings in a safe place, saving ideas for later, and making connections with real people to stay sane!
2) Food for thought for others – I’ve had a rocky road so far with pressures and opinions of others. It took a major incident for me to claw back control and start to trust in my own opinions. I’d like others to know that they are not alone if they have thoughts like my own.

Please forgive me for keeping this anonymous, it’s mostly to save my blushes and allow me to speak my thoughts freely.

I hope you enjoy the blog and please do comment and share.

I’d love to host guest blogs too so if you’ve got a story you’d like to tell please get in contact.
Many thanks to Stephanie and her blog for featuring me on her blogger showcase. Here are the questions she asked which got me to think a little deeper about myself and my blog…

Blogger Showcase: RawMum

1. Who are you? 

This is the hardest question of them all… honestly… I don’t know!

I’m a wife, daughter, sister and nearly a mum. I’ve done many jobs – Teacher, Education Consultant, Bushcraft Instructor, Etsy shop owner, Teaching Assistant, GIS database manager, Researcher, Education Officer, Garden Centre assistant… How do you define a person?

I’m generally a very organised, logical and dependable person… but I’m also very sensitive and have my struggles with not feeling that I’m good enough. I’ve had some hard knocks in the last few years and writing is something that helps stop me falling down the dark rabbit hole. When I’m most relaxed I even get poetic!

2. How did you discover blogging?

I knew about easy WordPress websites through work related tasks so when we started our “trying to conceive” journey I had a little play with setting up my own… I was pretty much hooked at the first post!

3. When did you start blogging?

January 2017. I’m a newbie on the blogging block. I do have a Facebook page that I’ve run for three years, all about wild things, so I have a few insights but I do feel I have a lot to learn yet. 

4. What do you find most challenging?

I like to take all of my photos and I often delay a post because I don’t have the right photo. I also worry about reaching people that might find my posts useful. I guess my confidence is still quite low after a few life knock backs. I have to work to keep my mojo. 

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

At the moment my focus is on my journey to becoming a mother. I write honestly about whatever is happening in my life at the particular point. I have some quirky hobbies and interest so they will crop up randomly now and then…

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

I blog because I have to let the words out of my head. I would love to be able to support myself on my blog alone but I worry that this would destroy it. Hopefully I can find a nice balance as my blog grows and I’d like to keep it natural. 

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

I find it very therapeutic to allow words to flow out of my head… it helps with maintaining good mental health. I love the way that people rally around and provide love and support even though they don’t know me. I feel like I’ve got an online family. 

8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

Nope but I would like to… Suggestions welcome…

9. What are your 3 best posts?

Is this really it – for its innocence and the unexpected surprise of being nominated as a featured blogger on the #dreamteam linky

What to expect when expecting: miscarriage – for the sheer weight that lifted after writing it, I hope that it also helps others in a similar situation. 

Miscarriage: silence is painful – for the tips to friends and family who want to help those suffering a miscarriage 

10. Describe yourself in three words!

Organised. Raw. Honest. 

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Sadly none. I’m dairy intolerant so I am often forced to avoid these things. I do like a jasmine tea and there is a great Greek cafe nearby that does delicious vegan baklava. Those are very naughty and perk me up on a bad day. Homemade cake is another thing… my friends call me “Kipling”

12. What’s your idea of a perfect night out?

Cinema. Total film buff… I just love the stories. Strangely I don’t really know the actors as I prefer to think of them in their roles. Action films are a go to when I need cheering up, sneaky chick flicks with friends, and all animated films even if I’m in the cinema with just kids. 

I also like looking at the stars as we get home. It’s almost like a ritual to look up and spot the constellations. 
13. Your perfect night in?

Roaring fire and tasty food. Candles and massage… mmmmm…

14. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

My friends always say that if there is a zombie apocalypse they are coming around to mine as I’m always prepared, can make fire and own bows. 

My Hubby would probably say I make an amazing chocolate cake and I have a nice bum! (and I care deeply about things).

Mum would say I’m always willing to give it a go… entrepreneur streak!

Thank you RawMum, I’ve enjoyed reading your responses and can’t help but feel there’s something raw and honest about your answers sot think your blog is well named. Bizarrely while typing this post I’ve also been enjoying some baklava, probably not anywhere near as tasty as your vegan cafe sort, but spooky nonetheless. Stephanie 

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