
I’m not even pregnant yet and the desire to nest has seriously kicked in!  I lay awake several nights last week because I was worrying about how to make room in the house for a little one. We have a two bed house but our support network lives a long way away… so we’d like…

Reading too much!

With the decision to go ahead and try to make a baby this month comes the inevitable… ekk! What the heck am I doing and how on earth does it all work? More importantly… will my body cope with everything that’s possibly on its way???! Tears! Oh dear, please don’t let that happen… Fluid retention!…

Going for it…

We’ve decided that we are as ready as we can be… we are going to start a family…

Rock, Paper, Scissors…

This is going to sound mental… We’ve come up with an odd way to make decisions about whether or not to have unprotected sex… Rock… Paper… Scissors… We’ve been having a lot of discussions recently about whether we want a family. We’ve had these discussions before on plenty of occasions and we’ve always fallen to…