
I’m enjoying working on my blog and am really finding it very therapeutic.

As an organic part of having a blog I’ve decided to add some income generation streams to help with paying for its upkeep. With the mental difficulties I battle with, my job situation is anything but secure, so I’m building a portfolio of options.

While Hubby is very supportive and ensures that the roof stays over our heads and that we can eat… its very nice to be able to contribute financially as well as through all of the “homemaker” stuff I do too.

I promise at all times to be 100% Raw. These are my opinions and observations based on my direct experiences. I have a very analytical mind and I love to research to find facts. If I am lucky enough to be given things to test and review I will state this within the blog post.amazon logo smallI have just signed up as an Amazon Affiliate. This means that I have a unique code (something techie) that Amazon can track. If you click any of my links to go to Amazon… as long as you don’t close the window… then anything that you put in your basket… and buy then or within a few days… I may earn a commission on. It’s like a referral or finders fee. This isn’t added to the price you pay, it comes from Amazon. It’s not a lot 1-3% on most things, although some items can go as high as 10% (games, shoes, luggage, jewellery).

So if you click the amazon blue text link or the logo above… it takes you to amazon.co.uk as normal but it includes my Amazon Affiliate Id which is rabl0d-21. Pretty cool huh – hope that I’m doing it right… only time will tell.

Here’s the statement as required by Amazon… “RawMumBlog is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.co.uk.”

I will add any associations and income stream information here (when? if?) for clarity and full disclosure.

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