Pregnancy Diaries – Month 7

In the mayhem of preparing for the festive season this month has absolute flown by! I can’t believe we could be meeting our baby in possibly just 6 weeks! This month we’ve been enjoying our evening hypnobirthing classes. Four weekly sessions with seven other couples. I’ve written a blog post about each session and both…

Hypnobirthing – Part 4

Today was the last session of the four part course and one we’ve been really looking forward because we had a tour of the birthing suites and delivery rooms. It’s been something that has been playing on my mind… I like to know where I’m going and what sort of environment I’ll be in. Not…

Hypnobirthing – Part 3

The highlight of this class was Hubby asking “why doesn’t everyone do this course as it makes so much sense?!!” He is so right, I really feel for the mums who have been told they are “high risk” and that they would be better off going straight for an epidural rather than suffering! It sets…

Hypnobirthing – Part 2

I really miss raspberry leaf tea! As a sufferer of lactose intolerance getting a good brew can be tricky. I’ve always liked juice though; to the point of driving my mum demented as a toddler when all I would consume was juice and nothing solid! Before we got pregnant I would have at least one…

Making a babygrow

I have to admit to loving a bit of crafting… I’ll pretty much try out anything but I’m a real sucker for crafts that include upcycling or repurposing. So when I spotted a pattern for making a babygrow in The Eternal Maker I thought it would be a perfect way to use up some of…


I have just got to tell everyone about this amazing shop! Baby2000 is an independent shop in the outskirts of Portsmouth, on Copnor Road. It has the most amazingly diverse range of buggies and travel systems in stock ready for you to try out… and the staff are so lovely. They know so much about…

Falling apart at the seams

Pelvic pain really sucks. I started with tailbone pain at about 14 weeks pregnant and then graduated to the double act at about 18 weeks. Basically it feels as though my pelvis is coming apart, especially at the front! Sitting down is a challenge because I have to get exactly on my sit bones half…

Glucose Loading Test

Why? Why? Why? That’s what was running through my head as I tried to sip my way through the sweet and sticky goop in five minutes at 7am in the morning? Why am I doing this? This is making me feel awful and I don’t even know why I’ve been told I have to do…