Hypnobirthing – Part 1

We’ve taken the plunge and started our first of 4 hypnobirthing classes. It’s an evening class run by the local NHS midwife team at the hospital. We’ve heard great things about how it can make a big difference in birth experiences. So despite our reservations that it might be a bit “hippy” we went with…

Blue for you, the baby we never knew

Today was Baby Allie’s true due date. Sadly we met them far too soon at just 9 weeks old. As the blood flowed and hope faded I held your tiny body in my hand and the waves of sadness crashed over me. Miscarriage Such a simple word that many people do not have to suffer,…

Pregnancy Diaries – Month 6

Ok – time is definitely flying now! I have no idea where the last month has gone and bump seems to grow as I watch it! Bump is living up to its name!! It’s certainly turning into quite a spectator sport… for me and Hubby at least… bump seems shy around other people and goes…

Oh no Peugeot!

I have to admit that we didn’t buy our Peugeot 3008 as a family car. We bought it because the boot is huge, it’s a high level ride which helps with my knee problems and offers great comfort on long runs with the cruise control. When we succeeded in getting pregnant one of the first…