Oh no Peugeot!

I have to admit that we didn’t buy our Peugeot 3008 as a family car. We bought it because the boot is huge, it’s a high level ride which helps with my knee problems and offers great comfort on long runs with the cruise control.

When we succeeded in getting pregnant one of the first things I freaked out about was whether the car had Isofix points… I so nearly got out of bed at 3am in the morning to go and check! I resisted and lo and behold… in the morning… YES we have Isofix points in the car… phew…

Now I know it’s not the be-all and end-all of fitting child car seats… it’s a nice thing to have that makes it quicker and easier. But tests do show that in your sleep-deprived state… you are 98% likely to fit it correctly rather than 34%. That’s a pretty big margin that improves safety!

So we have a great family car with Isofix points… cue hours of research into travel systems and car seats over the next 6 months…

We finally find a system we love and head off to the most amazing buggy shop – Baby2000… to give it a final test run and practice with fitting it into the car…

Oh… no….

“I’m sorry but you’ve got rear-footwell storage boxes…”


“Can you get the manual out and check for the advice on car seat fitting…”


“I’m sorry but you can’t fit this Isofix base into your car because the leg post won’t reach the bottom of the storage compartment and you can’t fit it on the lid as it wouldn’t be safe in an accident. It’s just not strong enough.”


“So these useless odd shaped cubby holes stop us from fitting an Isofix base,” we ask incredulous that Peugeot would sell the 3008 as a family car with Isofix points if we can’t use them! We try every isofix base in the shop (a lot!) and none will fit in either of the rear seats. The maxi-cosi comes close but the leg won’t lock forward in the bottom of the cubby and give the green safety light.

Hubby is on the phone to Peugeot… Can we get these stupid cubby holes filled? Do they have any suggestions on car seats they know will fit? I’m on Netmums… yup… it’s a known problem…

Panic… we can’t afford a new car!! 

But wait… we can fit it with the seatbelts… At present a child can travel in a weight based seat (ECE R44) based on the following rules…

car seats
Car Seat Rules

So we can have the Jane Matrix 2 Light, a lie-flat car seat that will enable us to do the longer journeys that we need to reach our family.  It’s a flexible seat that can also be used sitting up for when they get fed up of being flat and too curious! We were blown away by the design and the safety testing of these seats!

We have a solution… up to 13kg…

Now to find a, preferably Isofix, car seat that will take them from Group 1 upwards in the best safety possible… of course a parent wants the best for their child!

Rhyming with Wine

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Rhyming with Wine says:

    Oh my goodness. That’s so frustrating for you! I didn’t realise that this could be a problem and just assumed if there were isofix fittings you’d be fine? Pleased you’ve found a solution for the first stage at least lovely x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Rhyming with Wine says:

      Ooh sorry – #DreamTeam x

      Liked by 1 person

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