
I have just got to tell everyone about this amazing shop!

Baby2000 is an independent shop in the outskirts of Portsmouth, on Copnor Road. It has the most amazingly diverse range of buggies and travel systems in stock ready for you to try out… and the staff are so lovely. They know so much about the pros and cons of each and every item and are fabulous at helping you to find the best solution for your individual situation.

Covered car bays at rear of shop

While the shop doesn’t look like very much from the outside and you might be forgiven for driving right on past… it really is a gem not to be missed!

Drive right on under the shop to the rear to the covered parking bay where you can test out car seats with their professional fitters – very useful when you have an awkward car like ours!


Inside you are greeted by friendly but not pushy helpers who will invite you to take a look around… plus they quickly offered water and a chair to me when I started feeling a little fuzzy round the edges – my fault… not enough food and too excited about all the baby things!!


Downstairs you’ll find gorgeous selected items that are practical and beautiful. Testers and samples are all open for you to play with and try out… try not to buy it all just yet… the best is yet to come…

Upstairs you’ll find five more rooms filled with buggies from every major brand and some of the less well known brands… we had come especially to see the Jane range because we saw some at the Sandown Baby and Toddler Show and were really intrigued by the clever design and rugged nature of them.

With all of the choice it might feel a bit daunting but that’s where the staff really help… they ask you questions about your lifestyle, travel needs and parenting thoughts… then match you up to a couple of options that you can line up side by side and put through their paces…

Where else would you find Baby BrezzaBabyStyleBebecarBe CoolBeSafeBugabooChiccoCosattoCybexDIAGODoomoo, EggGb,
JaneJoolzKiddyKoodeeMaxi CosiPhil&TedsRecaroSilver CrossUPPAbabyVenicci and Voksi all rubbing shoulders??? Over 150 different travel systems in one place!!!

We couldn’t believe that they had four of the Jane buggies in stock with all the variations covered it gave us the time (oh so much time!) to really get stuck in and play with all the options. We even tried it out with the weighted baby dolls for a bit of realism!! We then took our favourite down to the car along with the car seats to try it out for fit… boy were we glad we did! We learned all about how to fit the car seats and check for safety with their IOSH qualified staff who knew all the little tips and tricks for making it easy.

We worked with the staff and found that the best deals for us were as a big bundle with lots of bits and pieces that really knocked off some great items from the baby needs list! We’ve gone for the Jane Crosswalk Convert with Matrix Light 2 lie-flat car seat. It gives us a rugged and sturdy chassis with flexibility for travel in a variety of ways. Our family lives quite a long way away from us so the lie-flat car seat gives us the range in the car without time restrictions or compromising on safety for little one.

Jane bundle

jane carseat-matrixlight2-line

On top of all the time and support that the Staff at Baby2000 have given us… they also offer three years of free servicing to keep things tip top and in condition. They stored all of the boxes until we were ready to pick everything up – they do deliver too but it’s so much fun to pick up all the boxes! They have payment plans if you need to spread out the cost of your purchases too.

We will definitely be back when we need to move up to the bigger car seats… the one downstairs room we didn’t spend much time in – a big selection of car seats than you can try in your car… with the actual baby!

I really can’t recommend them enough… and they did not pay me in any way to write about them. They really are awesome and I’ve been raving about them to all of the new mums I’m meeting.

Rhyming with Wine
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  1. Tubbs says:

    Independent specialist shops like that are an absolute godsend! We got the Tubblet’s buggy in a similar one and the guy couldn’t have been more helpful. He pointed out the pros and cons, showed us the various models available and helped us get the best for our spend. The buggy he recommended, a Maclaren, was The Little Buggy That Could. It got used most days but lasted until the Tubblet out-grew it. I think we were the only one in our group who didn’t end up having to buy a second buggy at some point.

    Liked by 2 people

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