Counting our rainbow blessings

Today marks one year from losing our first pregnancy to a miscarriage. While the sadness remains, today has mostly been about counting our blessings and being very thankful for the small warm snuggly bundle of love curled up asleep on my lap. The devastation we felt that fateful day last Easter could have broken us….

Blue for you, the baby we never knew

Today was Baby Allie’s true due date. Sadly we met them far too soon at just 9 weeks old. As the blood flowed and hope faded I held your tiny body in my hand and the waves of sadness crashed over me. Miscarriage Such a simple word that many people do not have to suffer,…

How can we remember? Ideas welcome…

Coping with loss and coming to terms with grief is such a complicated journey. Anyone who has lost a baby through miscarriage will know that it’s an odd thing to deal with. People often say “its natural” or “it didn’t exist yet” or “its common – 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage” or “you…

Miscarriage – silence is painful… how to help…

How do you help someone who has a miscarriage?
The most common response I get when telling people that I had a miscarriage was silence… awkward… people don’t know what to say… then they give you a hug… and that’s the start…

I had the dream… what does it mean?

Last night I vividly dreamed about giving birth. Not in the fearful worrying kind of way. It was calm and each stage was markedly clear with such high levels of emotions I woke up with tears on my face.  I imagine that dreams of giving birth are probably not uncommon in pregnant ladies… but I’m…

Fruit Loopy #2 Blueberry

This week has undoubtably all been about the boobs! Somehow it seemed very fitting for them to be paired with blueberries!

Fruit Loopy #1 Apple Seed

From microscopic pair of cells to an apple seed sized embryo… The last six weeks have been quite a roller-coaster of emotions and feelings…

Is this really it?

I don’t know why I did a pregnancy test today… I just had to check… and if my eyes are not mistaken there is a line that just changed our lives!!! My last cycle started on the 15th February with a normal period of four days with medium to heavy flow and all the grumpy…