Counting our rainbow blessings

Today marks one year from losing our first pregnancy to a miscarriage. While the sadness remains, today has mostly been about counting our blessings and being very thankful for the small warm snuggly bundle of love curled up asleep on my lap. The devastation we felt that fateful day last Easter could have broken us….

Pregnancy Diaries – Month 8

The biggest development of the month has been getting a new midwife! I’m so glad I spoke up as it was really stressing me out to feel like I couldn’t ask any questions. I’ve now got a super lovely midwife who just really puts me at ease and assured me that there are no stupid…

Pregnancy Diaries – Month 7

In the mayhem of preparing for the festive season this month has absolute flown by! I can’t believe we could be meeting our baby in possibly just 6 weeks! This month we’ve been enjoying our evening hypnobirthing classes. Four weekly sessions with seven other couples. I’ve written a blog post about each session and both…

Hypnobirthing – Part 4

Today was the last session of the four part course and one we’ve been really looking forward because we had a tour of the birthing suites and delivery rooms. It’s been something that has been playing on my mind… I like to know where I’m going and what sort of environment I’ll be in. Not…

Hypnobirthing – Part 2

I really miss raspberry leaf tea! As a sufferer of lactose intolerance getting a good brew can be tricky. I’ve always liked juice though; to the point of driving my mum demented as a toddler when all I would consume was juice and nothing solid! Before we got pregnant I would have at least one…

Pregnancy Diary – Month 4

This last month has flown by! Probably because the nausea and sickness of month 3 have gradually gone away, coupled with the relief of seeing wriggling baby at the dating scan. The fog has lifted and I can think clearer – a huge relief.  I still get bouts of queasiness but usually over strong smells…

A very exciting day!!

Today was our dating scan day. It has felt like an absolute age in coming around. I’ve been very tense and anxious, barely daring to hope that a tiny little being was safely growing inside me.  I hardly slept last night… not because I was laying awake worrying and imagining the worst case scenario though…

Pregnancy Diary – Month 3

Well this month has been the longest so far – I almost said ever but I’m suspecting that Month 9 will take that title! I’ve had a long old wait for my “not 12 week scan“. It’s nearly week 14 and the additional eleven days have been very hard. I tried to ask people to…

Baby’s 1st picture

Yes that’s a baby… according to the scan lady. “There it is!” she exclaims… “Where?” asks my befuddled Hubby! “See that fluttering?”… “that’s the heart beating”… “ok, wow!” we both murmur. So this is really, really early: about 6 weeks and 4 days. I’ve been having quite a lot of one-sided pain and finally gave…

Here we go… again!

After the heartbreak of miscarriage it was a big decision to keep trying to conceive. The fear of a repeat occurrence is immense. Drawing from some deep unknown reserve we bravely faced the possibilities and allowed a tiny glimmer of hope into our hearts. This week we were rewarded with two blue lines that are…

Not in The Club

“Trying to conceive” – a phrase signalling that you want to start the journey of becoming a parent. Something that until now seemed like a foregone conclusion of having unprotected sex. Not once until now did anyone mention that getting pregnant (and staying pregnant) is actually a rather complicated, unpredictable and challenging task! As a…

#WaitToWee Great campaign… so hard to implement!

I read about the #WaitToWee campaign while cruising Twitter looking at various trying to conceive and early signs of pregnancy posts.  I totally didn’t appreciate the desperate “need to know” feeling that came over me once I entered the dreaded “two week wait” phase… I just can’t settle down and every possible sign either way…