Pregnancy Diaries – Month 8

The biggest development of the month has been getting a new midwife! I’m so glad I spoke up as it was really stressing me out to feel like I couldn’t ask any questions. I’ve now got a super lovely midwife who just really puts me at ease and assured me that there are no stupid…

Pregnancy Diaries – Month 7

In the mayhem of preparing for the festive season this month has absolute flown by! I can’t believe we could be meeting our baby in possibly just 6 weeks! This month we’ve been enjoying our evening hypnobirthing classes. Four weekly sessions with seven other couples. I’ve written a blog post about each session and both…

Pregnancy Diaries – Month 6

Ok – time is definitely flying now! I have no idea where the last month has gone and bump seems to grow as I watch it! Bump is living up to its name!! It’s certainly turning into quite a spectator sport… for me and Hubby at least… bump seems shy around other people and goes…

Pregnancy Diary – Month 5

I’m not really very sure where the last month has gone! A big milestone that made me feel very much a woman… My boobs started working! Nothing particularly spectacular in itself… one evening of crazy itching and then a few tiny dribbles the next morning. But nevertheless a moment in my life that feels meaningful…

Wet, wet and wetter!

So here I am in the second trimester and over the last six weeks I’ve been feeling rather um… damp… down there! Sorry if too much info… don’t read on! I mentioned it to my midwife and she said is it wee? To which I replied… “probably?” …but really I wasn’t at all sure and…

Anomaly Scan at 20 weeks

Where did the first 20 weeks go? Looking back it feels like it’s gone quickly but it has also dragged too! I’ve been so anxious that getting to the anomaly scan with a healthy baby has felt like an unlikely challenge over which I had no influence… I’m not sure why I’ve been so anxious…

Clueless and Curious go to The Baby and Toddler Show

This weekend Hubby and I went to our first baby show at Sandown Racecourse. I was up nice and early bouncing around ready to go. Pretty much the first time in this pregnancy I’ve allowed myself to get excited and plan ahead. It did feel good! We arrived a little early and queued up outside…

Pregnancy Diary – Month 4

This last month has flown by! Probably because the nausea and sickness of month 3 have gradually gone away, coupled with the relief of seeing wriggling baby at the dating scan. The fog has lifted and I can think clearer – a huge relief.  I still get bouts of queasiness but usually over strong smells…

Ante-natal Pilates

With all the big body changes coming up I decided that it would be a good idea to take care of myself for a change! So I hunted and hunted and hunted for an ante-natal exercise class… one found one. Just one!  I found tonnes of post-natal classes but barely any for during pregnancy. Which…

A very exciting day!!

Today was our dating scan day. It has felt like an absolute age in coming around. I’ve been very tense and anxious, barely daring to hope that a tiny little being was safely growing inside me.  I hardly slept last night… not because I was laying awake worrying and imagining the worst case scenario though…

Pregnancy Diary – Month 3

Well this month has been the longest so far – I almost said ever but I’m suspecting that Month 9 will take that title! I’ve had a long old wait for my “not 12 week scan“. It’s nearly week 14 and the additional eleven days have been very hard. I tried to ask people to…

NOT a 12 week scan!

So you’re pregnant… such an exciting and scary time… full of waiting and more waiting and more waiting. Early on you get told that the first trimester is risky and it is best (I totally disagree!) to not tell too many people about your happy little news until you have your 12 week scan… So…

Pregnancy Diary- Month 2

Why count my pregnancy in months? Um… for some reason 2/9 seems better than 8/40 or 60/280… but then fractions have never been my forte! Smaller is simpler in my little brain. Plus the last few weeks have gone by in somewhat of a nauseous blur! I had every intention of trying to write a…

Baby’s 1st picture

Yes that’s a baby… according to the scan lady. “There it is!” she exclaims… “Where?” asks my befuddled Hubby! “See that fluttering?”… “that’s the heart beating”… “ok, wow!” we both murmur. So this is really, really early: about 6 weeks and 4 days. I’ve been having quite a lot of one-sided pain and finally gave…